Self-service cash registers - Restolution

Self-service cash registers

Offer your customer a faster and easier ordering and payment experience with our self-service cash registers, which are suitable for many different situations, such as canteens, fast food outlets and other food restaurants. The self-service kiosk improves customer convenience and increases the average purchase.


The self-service outlet must look just right and reflect the restaurant’s profile and values. Our training team will help with the implementation!

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Self-service saves time for both you and your customers

Features of self-service cash registers

Better service and upselling

With the self-service checkout, the customer makes their desired purchase and payment much faster, easier and to greater satisfaction. In the self-service checkout, you can sell desired products and advertise for them easily too, while your time can be spent on more vital service tasks and business operations.
Research has shown that the average purchase is greater when the customer freely decides on their purchase. The self-service checkout is built from your selected images and product descriptions that can inspire customers to buy more and entertain.

Part of the whole restaurant

The payment order from self-service checkouts is automatically forwarded to, for example, screens or printers in the kitchen or bar. This solution is suitable for many different establishments, for example lunch, cafeteria, fast food and other restaurants. Customer identification can be made a part of the self-service checkout. With the help of identification, the purchase of lunch can be partially or completely transferred to the customer’s employer, as an example.

Part of the whole restaurant

The payment order from self-service checkouts is automatically forwarded to, for example, screens or printers in the kitchen or bar. This solution is suitable for many different establishments, for example lunch, cafeteria, fast food and other restaurants. Customer identification can be made a part of the self-service checkout. With the help of identification, the purchase of lunch can be partially or completely transferred to the customer’s employer, as an example.

Kitchen order screen

The kitchen order screen makes it easier to manage order pressure during peak hours of kitchen activity. The display is designed to be clear, easy to read and adapts well to all types of kitchens. An important feature is that the orders are presented in the same way as with a traditional kitchen printer, so that there are no surprises when it comes to layout and functionality.
The various additional options and order details are shown separately in the kitchen order system. Order screens can manage orders in the same way as kitchen printers, with all the familiar features of a multi-printer kitchen system. You can customise the screen’s colours and presentation methods for your specific needs.

Pickup screen

The takeout pickup and order screen is a familiar sight on the walls of fast food chains. However, fast food ordering is only one way to use the order display! Different types of restaurants can all benefit from the use of takeout screens both in terms of customer interface and as internal information screens.
Restolution pick-up screens are used both in a regular way to notify customers that orders are ready for pick-up and also serve as touchscreens to give waiters the possibility to communicate with the kitchen. The pick-up display is also very practical as an information screen for showing customers how fast the orders are currently moving. This information often attracts more customers because it is easier to predict how long it will take before the food is ready.

The benefits

For your customer

For you and your staff

Self-service is the new normal

Customised solutions!
Self-service cash registers offer an efficient way to reduce long lines providing customers with a nice and easy way of ordering on their own terms.

Self-service checkouts pay off in many ways as it quickly improves long queuing scenarios, while giving customers more space and freedom to place orders. Different studies have shown that orders generally are bigger when done through self-service. This is partly because of additional sales proposals and partly because of a different consumer behaviour when customers can freely go through and select products as they wish.

Restolution’s self-service checkouts include the selection of products that already exist in the restaurant system. They are therefore part of a multi-channel service within the same cash register system. Thus there is no need to separately maintain content or product images in relation to the checkout system, an online store or self-service checkouts as products are synced across multiple channels.

In addition, we will ensure that your devices are delivered and installed ready for use, and our service designers help to plan the appearance and arrangement of the checkout stations for the best possible customer experience.

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