Cash registers and solutions - Restolution

Cash registers and solutions

Restolution cloud services, cash register programmes and integrations gather and centralise sales data into a continuously up-to-date information system. Improve the efficiency and convenience for your employees by increasing the speed of operations with the Resolution restaurant’s cash register system.


Light and portable cash registers provide suitably sized solutions for pop-up stores, outside dining areas, festivals, markets as well as all other events and mobile sales.


We offer customers a quicker and easier ordering and payment experience with our self-service cash registers, which are suitable for various situations, such as, for example, canteens, fast-food and other restaurants.


Bestorante is a useful solution if you want your customers to be able to order food and drinks directly from their table. The Bestorante QR-code makes each phone into a self-service cash register. The table number is automatically identified when the order is registered. At the same time, you will be provided with a smart and appealing digital menu.

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Restolution POS

The system consists of Restolution’s cash register, and our cloud-based Restolution software service.

Restolution tablet

Well suited for many situations where fast and flexible operations are a priority.

Self-service cash registers

Offer your customer a faster and easier ordering and payment experience.

Pienkassat ja vuokraus

Tarjoamme pienkassoja omaksi sekä vuokralle. Myymme ja ostamme myös käytettyjä kassakoneita ja -järjestelmiä.


Meillä on kokemusta laitteiden toimittamisesta satoihin tapahtumiin jo vuosikymmenten ajalta.

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